“Correio da Mañha” trusts the AEQ ConeXia as its new Intercom Concept: a Global Audio Solution.
The newspaper “Correio da Mañha” (Morning Post) belongs to the Cofina group that launched a general content TV channel in March 2013 called CMTV. This channel is available on the “Meo” platform. The channel is also present in Angola and Mozambique through Pay-per View platforms and is very successful.
Besides these two Portuguese-speaking countries, the goal of the Cofina channel is to reach "where there are Portuguese communities," which includes France, Luxembourg, Canada and Newark (United States) among others.
Overall, the team CMTV and the newspaper Correio da Mañha has about 250 people and a newsroom that generates content for three platforms: Newspaper, on-line and TV.
Initially the TV station had installed one of the KROMA Intercom systems consisting in a TH5000 Hybrid Intercom matrix, Series TP4000 User panels and BP5000 WiFi belt-packs.
When CMTV was expanding its technical facilities they acquired an AEQ-KROMA CONEXIA, the latest Intercom matrix branded KROMA. The CONEXIA is replacing the TH5000 matrix since CMTV want to use the new system not only as a regular intercom system but also as a global audio solution for their operations.
The CONEXIA is based on the master controller TM8000 and the AEQ BC-2000D audio routing matrix. This system has the capacity to manage up to 1024 x 1024 crosspoints and has modularity and 100% redundancy.
CONEXIA allows for the integration of Intercom and Broadcast Audio quality sources in the same matrix system using 48 kHz sampling frequency with a resolution of 24-bit/sample. The specification of the CONEXIA allows CMTV to use the same matrix platform for their intercom needs and the broadcast quality audio routing required for their production.
Further, the fact that CONEXIA is compatible with all KROMA branded intercom terminals and links made it possible to re-use 100% of the old panels from the TH5000 matrix including the GSM and telephone interfaces.
One thing that should be emphasized with this expansion of CMTV’s technical installations is the replacement of the traditional belt-packs with virtual panels compatible with Android or iOS platforms. The virtual panels are operating on a WiFi network configured with managed access points allowing for the terminals to move freely, or “roam” around the building with seamless transfers between the access points, ensuring the uninterrupted audio communication.
The entire project has been piloted by the technicians in charge of Correio da Mañha, Mr. Ricardo Lima, and Mr. Ricardo Matias in collaboration with the AEQ’s technical team leaded by the engineer Mr. Mario Rodriguez.