Migrating the automation system to AudioPlus brings great advantages 21/02/2024
By Mario Muncharaz, Audiovisual Systems Technician at Villanueva University, Madrid
The Villanueva University of Madrid has more than four decades of experience training people and professionals with a deep vocation for service. Under the guidance of great professionals and academics from the sector with a long career in the audiovisual world, students at Villanueva University learn in a theoretical and practical way all the technical aspects of the profession.
Villanueva University has attached great importance to the practical knowledge of its students, and to this end has implemented two complete radio studios in its facilities, through which more than 3,000 students have passed in recent years since 2000.
For the automation of its broadcasts, the University equipped its studios with AEQ's automation system, first Mar4Win and then migrating it to the AudioPLUS version. "Not only were we surprised by the ease with which the students adapted to Mar4win, but what we liked most about the new Audioplus automation system was its stability and its great features in terms of audio management and the possibilities it offers.
AEQ AudioPLUS offers new features, adapted to the real needs, technical skills and purchasing power of most stations. It incorporates tools for manual, automatic and remote-controlled playout, automatic programming of music and advertising, as well as content generation and editing. Unlike other moderate-cost applications, this great tool for small and medium-sized stations has the power and quality of the best. Designed for Windows operating systems and SQL Server databases, it has a simple self-installation wizard, is compatible with low-cost audio cards and has complementary editing and management tools.
The great stability and simplicity involved in mastering this new tool, having previously used Mar4win, has been the main reason to put our trust in AEQ technology and its team to migrate from the previous system to the current one, keeping the infrastructure we had (4 computers located in the two radio studio controls, both connected through a continuity server), supported by the excellent support received from AEQ technicians, explains Mr. Muncharaz.
"In this way, after some time since its installation in 2020, we can already say that many aspects of its operation have been improved, making them simpler and more agile, such as the export of objects or the possibility of ingesting material in our own managers directly from a pen-drive by simply dragging them to the manager," concludes Mario Muncharaz, a technician at the university.
For more information about Villanueva University please visit: https://www.villanueva.edu/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqv_88Jev2pYGAQINyIQUgGparnRB8L4GAmeXSncMJ1l6A_5tPkl1qBoCvisQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds